I'll admit that as far as football programs go, VT is right up there on my Hate list, but once again a tradgedy has occurred which has put life into perspective. Early this morning a crazed gunman started a rampage on the Blacksburg campus. The end result 32 dead and 29 injured. What kind of sick world are we living in anyways?? How twisted do you have to be to take the lives of 32 young adults who are just starting their lives?? I have to admit I'm enraged, saddened and confused by this act of madness!!! Being that the Miami family suffered the loss of Bryan Pata last year in a tragic murder I can sort of understand the pain of these kids who have lost friends to this senseless act. I guess at the end of the day more than being a Hurricane fan, I am a human who never wants anyone to be hurt. On that football field I hate the Hokies with a passion, but would NEVER wish this on anybody!! I guess what I'm trying to say is that just this once "I am rooting for the Hokies" to make it through this tradgedy and come out stronger on the other side. My deepest thoughts, prayers and condolences are with the VT family in this time of senseless sorrow!! Sincerely
Will Toler A.K.A The Caneiac
# posted by Will U-Swag Toler...A.K.A Caneiac1 @ 4:59 PM
Well Cane fans the Caneiac has returned with news from the spring game. Basically it was pretty boring and uneventful. None of our QB's looked that great, our recievers looked like they had grease on their hands and the play calling was pretty unproductive, but let's be real it's the spring game. There were starters and backups on both teams, the teams weren't going all out and Coach Shannon is not going to tip his hand. So all of you "the world is ending" Hurricane fans just chill out!!! This game is no indication of the season we are going to have.
My next order of buisness is the autograph session after the game. This was the most unorganized, not well thought out and unproductive events I have ever seen. To begin with you had two thousand fans trying to get autographs and they only planned for the session to last 30 min(Do the math)!!! Next, even though the announcer said only one item signed 10 times, there were still assholes with 20 things trying to get them signed. Come on now Cane fan do you really need your favorite boxer briefs and your lucky socks signed??? Thanks for being so considerate of your fellow Cane fans!!! I did eventually make it through half of the line, but I didn't get the autographs I really wanted(Baby J and Campbell) but I guess that's life isn't it???
Well enough of all that, here we are with 139 days left until we meet Marshall in the OB and even tough the spring game was ridiculous, I'm pumped up to see my Canes run out of that smoking helmet on September 1 and show the world that hiring Randy Shannon was no mistake.
In Closing, for all of you fair weather Cane fans pronouncing doom and gloom on this team here is a little advice, "Why don;t you head on up to Gainesville because the Gator bandwagon still has a few seats avilable and if not shut up and show some pride in your team.....GO CANES!!!
The Caneiac
# posted by Will U-Swag Toler...A.K.A Caneiac1 @ 5:17 PM